Formado en Francia y en EE. UU. (MB y TQM), ex-CEO del American Supplier Institute España y Francia, JD Roman interviene como consultor-formador-coach para grandes grupos multinacionales en campos tan diversos como la informática o el desarrollo personal y la comunicación, pasando por la organización, la gestión de ventas y la calidad. Es profesor en la Loyola Leadership School y en varias otras business schools. Escribe indistintamente en francés, inglés y español.
Raised and educated in France and in the USA (MB), former CEO of the American Supplier France and Spain, he works as a trainer-advisor-coach for many a large company. Procoach certified in London, he devotes more and more of his professional time to the coaching activity. He also teaches in some MBAs, both in Spain and abroad. Amongst his previous books, which he writes indistinctly in French, Spanish or English, are Homo Komunikator, The paper bridge and Communication non-verbale appliquée.