Scientific and humanistic spirit, Rene Pedroza pen writes: "The world changes and opens like a flower in light of new forms of learning and knowledge. The legacy of cognitive thinking as the only way of explanation of human events is part of the annals of dogmatic spirit (...), cognition is not everything, it is accompanied by affection, feelings and emotions; the teacher is a human being who has a profession that gives knowledge and love... ".

Rene Pedroza Flores is an outstanding scientist, born in Mexico City in 1961. A student of social life and specialist of the human mind, has dedicated his research work in the field of education, sociology and psychology. This product, his books include Brief Therapy Mindfulness. The Educational Change, published in three languages: Spanish, English and French in 2015. He has also published Education for Educational Practice of the XXI Century (2014); A Method for the Educational, Emotional and Creative Practice (2014); Education and University from Complexity Globalization (2009); Departmental Academic Model in Institutions of Higher Education (2002); Flexibility and Professional Skills in the Latin American Universities (2006) and Society and Science. A Distant Relationship. Artificial Satellites Projects in Mexico (2004).

Other books written by Dr. Pedroza highlighting its scientific work in the field of humanities and social sciences are Career and Professionalism in Industrial Design (2015); Think Better Practice to Practice: an Experience of Teacher Training in Higher Level Middle UAEM (2014); University Social Responsibility (2011); Compensation for Higher Education in 10 countries in Latin America policies (2010); Flexibility and University Organization (2008); Academic and Curricular Flexibility in the Institutions of Higher Education (2005); The Complexity of the Social Sciences in the Information Society and the Knowledge Economy: Objetual Reversal and Informational Development in Latin America (2005).

Rene Pedroza is doctor of Social Science and Master of Mental Health and Social Clinic; member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and distinguished scientist with Level II of the National System of Researchers in Mexico. As a specialist in mental and social health science concerned with the individual possesses the International Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis by the Milton Erickson Foundation of Arizona, USA; Also the International Certification Brief Strategic Therapy Clinical Hypnosis Center for Arezzo, Italy. It is certified in Brief Family Therapy and Collaborative Brief Therapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis by the Milton Erickson Institute of the Mexico City and the Autonomous National University of Mexico. In the area of ​​psychology in the field of Strategic Brief Therapy and Ericksonian clinical hypnosis, Dr. Rene Pedroza has been trained by leading psychologists and mental health specialists among them Jeffrey Zeig, Giorgio Nardone, Matthew Selekman, Rubin Battino, Jorge Abia and Rafael Núnez.

Títulos publicados en LibrosEnRed:

Action Research in Educational Reflective Practice

Colección: Educación

Self-knowledge is the spearhead for change: it all starts with introspection, with rigorous observation of oneself to know the meaning of what is done in the performance as a teacher. 

Thus begins the journey along the paths of the hidden mysteries of personality, which are gradually revealed by a hard work of reflexivity. As teachers we want to go forward, build other meanings that fill us with excitement and joy in our educational practice. For all this, the reader must read this book to find an original proposal of intervention in the act of teaching.

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