Libro Past And Future


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"This small book tries to prove that it is impossible to live in a world governed only by human beings who prepare and issue hundred of laws, ignoring the laws of God. It was He who ordered the Big Bang, producing the necessary materials to build the universe, and create human beings, posessing a spirit and an eternal soul.

I am convinced that ignoring the laws of God no peace is possible in our world as we are wittnessing every day, and even our human rights must respect and support them. We also have insufficient controls to protect our environment and ourselves in order to have a healthy life. Also the best education fails, when we permit that our young generation waste their energy drinking liters of alcohol and taking drugs every weekend".

Hace un tiempito hablábamos de los seudónimos, esos nombres de fantasía que los autores eligen, por distintos motivos, para enmascarar su identidad...